Voting Rights Updates

4 min readMar 31, 2021


Tuesday, March 30, 2021 #MO-2 Updates on Democracy

MO Voting Rights Lobby Day: March 31

Missouri State Capitol Steps or Virtually on Facebook

Your voice is needed. Tomorrow, in response to restricting voting legislation in Missouri and around the country, Missouri Voter Advocates will hold their Missouri Voting Rights Lobby Day at the Missouri State Capitol Steps/South Lawn to draw attention to the spate of discriminatory voting bills in Missouri and call on Missouri lawmakers to stop attacks on the right to vote.

Wed. March 31, 2021
10:30–11:30 am CT

Voting Bills in Missouri Senate on Wednesday

Missouri Senate Local Government and Elections Committee meets tomorrow at 1p.m. Sign in here to upload written testimony in advance of the hearing or attend in person. At Lobby Day, we’ll urge folks to testify or submit testimony in opposition to HB 333 and HCS HJRs 20, 2, 9 & 27, which would stifle the grass roots citizen initiative process. See MOVPC’s Voting Rights Legislative Report and LEGISLATIVE TRACKER for more information and talking points.

Local Government and Elections Committee
Date: Wednesday, March 31
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Room: SCR 1 Bills to be heard:

  • SB 587Brattin — Modifies provisions relating to voter registration
  • SJR 27Cierpiot — Provides an exemption for certain personal property
  • HCS HB 271Wiemann — Creates the “Missouri Local Government Expenditure Database”
  • HB 850Wiemann — Modifies provisions for ballot language prepared by the General Assembly
  • HB 333 — Simmons — Modifies the initiative and referendum process
  • HCS HJRs 20, 2, 9 & 27Henderson — Modifies provisions for initiative petitions to be placed on the ballot and the voter threshold required for approval

Keep Up with Missouri’s Voting Bills with
MOVPC’S Missouri Voting Rights Bill Tracker

Support Voting Reform in Congress

John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Townhall

The spate of voting legislation in Missouri and around the country shows why Congress must pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Join MOVPC’s campaigns to advance these measures that will bring needed reform to Missouri’s voters.
The Missouri Voter Protection Coalition is an official co-sponsor of the May 8 Day of Action in Missouri in Support of the VRAA. Join this townhall to learn more.

John Lewis Mobilization Town Hall
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm CT

About this event: Join activists on Wednesday, March 31st at 7 pm ET for the John Lewis Mobilization Town Hall. This town hall is for activists and local organizations to learn more about the May 8th John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Day of Action mobilization where we will take the streets for more than 100 “Votercades” in more than 100 cities.

The voting rights of America’s Voters of Color and Youth Voters are under attack nationally by state legislators introducing and passing laws to suppress their participation in elections. Join more than 50 organizations sponsoring the May 8 John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Day to learn how you can help mobilize to pass the For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, DC Statehood and address the filibuster. Together, we can build a better democracy! RSVP HERE

Twitter Townhall Supporting #ForThePeopleAct

Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Time: 12:00 pm CT
JOIN by following #S1TownHall Hashtag.

Participants include:

Messaging Briefing on Voting Rights

Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Time: 2:00 pm CT


Join Voting Rights Lab, ASO Communications and the Leadership Conference for a messaging briefing on a proactive national narrative for voting rights in support of For the People Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. They will share new data about where the public stands on these two bills and the most effective messaging to capitalize on this moment of possibility, desire for change, and openness to progressive solutions that will help us to deliver a democracy that works for us all.

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Promoting American values through electoral accountability, transparency and open discourse in Missouri's 2nd Congressional District.